Oct 30, 2019
We're celebrating our first birthday! We can't wait to share how Midlife Matters got started, how it's produced, how we've grown, and what's planned for the future. We also have a fun birthday gift planned for you, so be sure and listen for that!
Some of our favorite episodes from this year:
Oct 9, 2019
Today we're talking about daily habits for healthy living! How we feel often stems from our everyday choices. We'll share the things we've learned to do and the things we've learned not to do around morning and evening routines, diet and exercise, and mental and spiritual health. Join the discussion by tagging us with...
Feb 6, 2019
Achieving weight loss is sometimes much easier than maintaining it. In this episode, Mindy talks about her weight loss journey, including how she lost 60 lbs twice! Join us as Mindy shares the ways she changed throughout the process and what she learned along the way!
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