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Welcome to Midlife Matters! We hope you enjoy listening to the podcast. Please reach out with questions, thoughts, or ideas for future topics!

Apr 29, 2020

Today we're getting honest about the hard parts of parenting teens. What are the struggles, what do we wish someone would have told us, and when does the roller coaster ride end? Join us as we share what we learned launching our older kids and what we're still learning raising our younger ones. Parenting teens can be...

Apr 22, 2020

Today we're talking about dealing with anxiety and depression. What's the difference between feeling sad and feeling depressed? How do we know when our anxiety is getting out of control? How can we help and support those we love going through this? Join us as we ask a counselor these and other questions related to this...

Apr 15, 2020

Today we're discussing self care, or really self survival, during a pandemic. Our routines have been upended, and we're all being asked to do new things under stressful conditions. How do we take care of ourselves while also taking care of our families during this crisis? We're joined by Jeana Floyd to talk about...

Apr 8, 2020

It looks like we'll be continuing social distancing guidelines and sheltering at home throughout the month of April. Today we've got lots of ideas for how to make our time in quarantine more fun, interesting and productive. Listen to learn what we're doing and what we want to try! Also, follow us on Instagram to share...

Apr 1, 2020

It's time to talk about happiness and family! Lots of people are spending a lot more time with their families than they're used to, and other people are separated from their families by shelter in place orders. Whatever your situation, we've got some insight to share around the ways all of us can create a happier...