May 26, 2021
Today we're talking about unpopular opinions! What do you hate that everyone else seems to love? What do you pretend to like just to fit in? Join us as we share the unpopular opinions lurking inside of us!
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May 19, 2021
It's time for life updates! We're talking about a move, a wedding, a graduation and more. Join us as we celebrate the good things that are happening and touch on how to manage the expectations and disappointments that come into all of our lives.
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Instagram: Midlife...
May 12, 2021
Whether you've been friends forever or only just met, it's fun to discover new and interesting things about each other. Join us as we discuss questions that are sure to reveal things you've never known about the three of us. And then be sure to find us on Instagram this week to share your own answers!
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May 5, 2021
It's time to talk about mothering in midlife! The little kid years are behind us and now we have high school, college, and young adult kids. Join us as we share what we love about the stage of mothering we're in and what we miss about the stages that are no more!
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Mindy's sweatshirt