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Welcome to Midlife Matters! We hope you enjoy listening to the podcast. Please reach out with questions, thoughts, or ideas for future topics!

Aug 25, 2021

Today we're talking about when we're in a funk, when we've lost interest in things that usually make us happy, or when we feel like we have nothing left to give. Join us as we share what's wearing us out and what we're trying to do about it! 

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Aug 18, 2021

Today we're talking about the sandwich generation. Many women in midlife find themselves taking care of their growing children while also wanting to help with aging parents. Join us as we explore this topic with a friend who has great wisdom to offer! 

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Aug 11, 2021

Today we're talking about earning scholarships for college. And this isn't just for the academic or sporty kids! We're joined by Janet Addison whose kids earned over $400,000 in scholarships. She's full of great advice and tips you don't want to miss! 

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Janet's glasses

Aug 4, 2021

Today we're talking about how we've changed since we started Midlife Matters. Can you believe it's been almost 150 episodes? Whether you've followed us from the beginning or you're listening for the first time, join us as we discuss who we were then vs. who we are now!

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